
  • Kostiantyn KORSAK
  • Yurii KORSAK
  • Anatolii POKHRESNYK



humanity, education, industrial paradigm, academic standards, sustainable development goals (SDGs), eco-paradigm for science and education, Impact ranking 2020.


The relevance of studying the impact of the CoViD-2019 pandemic on the course of global processes and on planning for the future is quite indisputable. Not only the media, but also scientific publications contain many contradictory reports about the features and variability of these small spherical bioobjects. But outside the center of world attention were critical analyzes of the most likely socio-economic progress of mankind and the task of eliminating not only epidemics but also environmental and other collapses. Our article is aimed at proving the phenomenon of the beginning of the revolution in the paradigm of the world scientific and educational complex. We have found conclusive evidence that the planet's scientific elite has proposed abandoning the modern paradigm of scientific and technological progress of industrial origin, which with the advent of the Berlin Research University has forced scientists and educators to focus on discovering the laws of nature and improving attack and defense. The consequence of this influence was the creation of academic ratings of university excellence and competition for the title of "world-class institutions". In the world the beginning of the XXI century marked by the invention in the field of evaluation of scientific products of primitive quantitative indicators (several variants of "indices") based on emphasizing the place of publication of works of scientists and teachers while ignoring their content and civilizational value for all mankind. We argue that the source of Ukrainian administrative perversions in the evaluation of teaching staff is the uncritical borrowing of foreign experience by our educational leadership and the naive hope that by using indices we will very quickly bring academies and universities to the world level. The article emphasizes that the planet has already begun to abandon the old assessments of institutions and move to new criteria of excellence, taking into account the contribution of universities to the UN requirements for "17 sustainable development goals" and saving humanity from pandemics and collapses. Ukraine is simply obliged to try to become a leader in the reorientation of higher education institutions to a new paradigm of activity with a simultaneous, following the example of China, banning indicative indicators of pseudo-excellence. For all of us, the moment has come to choose the path of development of our higher education the direction of noosymbiosis of humanity and the environment on the basis of our proposed nooprocesses, nootechnologies and noosciences.


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