

Ключові слова:

specialist of the fied of inclusion education, pedagogical conditions, professional training system.


The current state of the problem of professional training of specialists in the field of inclusion education has been studied. The practical aspects of its improvement are analyzed. Variable scientific searches within the defined research problem are considered. The main paradigms of the organization of the psychological-pedagogical process were analyzed, which made it possible to identify the princi ple positions of the professional training of specialists in the fied of inclusion education. The attention is focused on the importance and necessity of studying and providing the best practices of foreign countries in the context of higher education. The key parameters for ensuring the competitiveness of a specialist in this sphere are determined: a high overall level of development of the national education system; assimilation of new and advanced experience acquired in the process of cooperation with foreign countries; ensuring the quality of services in the internal and external markets of educational services; availability of quality educational and research infrastructure; development of strategic partnershi p; development of mobility. Thus, the key parameters are determined and the pedagogical conditions for the construction of the system of professional training of specialists in the fied of inclusion education are characterized: competence-based practical orientation (knowledge in action); observance of phasing (direction, improvement, deepening); polyfactorial diagnostics (conducting professional diagnostics and appropriate adjustment of the process of professional education students at all its stages); professionalization and individualization of the professional training process; intensification, optimization and modernization of the process of professional training; internationalization, integration of science, education, labor market and mobility of students; introduction of an intellectual and creative approach; application of personaloriented and interactive modern technologies, methods and forms of student education; integration of professionally oriented disci plines in the context of a transdisci plinary approach; stimulation of self-knowledge and reflection as mechanisms of personal growth, self-improvement, self-educationself-realization, self-management and self-realization. Emphasis is placed on the importance and necessity of studying and implementing the best practices of foreign countries in the context of higher education. Ways to modernize mentioned professional training have been clarified. On the basis of the conducted analysis, the content of the professional training of specialists in the fied of inclusion education was clarified and the components of the structu re of the readiness of the futu re competitive specialist (in the aspect of innovative activity), prepared to work in modern market conditions, were determined.


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