DOI:Ключові слова:
philosophy of education, concept, analytical philosophy, liberalization, positivism, philosophy of language.Анотація
In this article they were shown historical aspects of organization of the Magazine “Higher Education of Ukraine” as a structure department of Institute of Higher Education of NAPS of Ukraine. It was represented some publications of postgraduates and doctorates of Institute and continuing process of formation of Pedagogical-Science Schools. Participation of members of editorial board in this process was shown too. The leaderships of these schools are famous doctors of science, heads of departments and scientists those works had influence on development of science problems at technical and pedagogical universities of Ukraine and Europe. They were represented the main rubrics of magazine such as: Tribune of Rector, Time of Reforms, History of Pedagogy of Higher School, Speech of Young Scientist so on. The science themes of deferent departments of Institute were shown too.
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