
  • Maria SHEREMET
  • Daria SUPRUN


Ключові слова:

internationalization; higher education; inter- and transdisciplinary; system of professional training in the field of special education; mоbile іnternational students; foreign students.


The article deals with modern trends of special psychologists’ education in the context of professional internationalization. The definitions of “internationalization of higher education”, “international mobility” and “mobility of foreign students” are clarified. Also article deals with theoretical and methodological foundations of the system of special psychologists’ education. Teaching experience in domestic and foreign institutions of higher education is reviewed. The article shows the necessity of international mobility as part of the internationalization of higher education. The article marks recent internationalization trends, which are observed worldwide; lists the positive aspects of internationalization of higher education and elements of the culture of the University, which must be developed in terms of internationalization. The status and trends of professional training of psychologists in the field of special education are revied. The review of the standard documents that regulate such training is made. The list of competencies that must specialists-psychologists own by the end of training is provided. The prospects for further research in the context of improving professional training in the field of special education are outlined. Particular attention is paid to finding and developing of the optimal set of methods of its providing, developing programs and definition of developed program’s efficiency. The practical results of scientists’ work in defining spheres are analyzed. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the experiment results and the statistical material which has been obtained on their basis made it possible to conclude that the introduction of the system of professional training of psychologists in the field of special education in the pedagogical process of higher education institutions has provided positive results. The necessity of the applying of the individual-oriented and practical-oriented educational paradigm in education is proved.


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