
  • Petro SAUKH




higher education, renaissance, cultural and civilizational self-identification, exponential technologies, cognitive dissonance, competitiveness, world-class university.


The paper features a systemic analysis of higher education, which has undergone radical transformation caused by profound changes in all spheres of human life and transcended the boundaries of its traditionally understood historic mission. The research defines an algorithm of effective reaction on the part of the traditional higher education, which is to combine the utilitarian pragmatics of professional training with the “pragmatics” of fundamental knowledge, needed by the innovative society in order to meet the requirements of its civilizational progress, to preserve and enhance its humanistic potential, and fill the human life and work with meaning and values. On this basis, the paper considers the major bifurcation points of the national higher education within the current technological and scientific framework of cultural and civilizational self-identification and offers specific steps on the way of its reformation, unemotional and realistic.


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