methodology, scientific psychological-pedagogical investigation’s methods, professional motivation, cognitive and competence component.Abstract
The present-day state of specialized psychologists’ professional training is explored. The practical aspects of its improving are analysed. The different methods of research in this field are determined. Sense and structure of professional training are viewed. The main elements of the definition, criteria and indicators of its formation are outlined. Particular attention is paid to finding and developing the criteria, the optimal range of methods of psychological diagnosis, which determines the level of professional training, the development the psychological effectiveness of program designed to improve psychologists’ performance aimed on its development. A close connection of cognitive and competence component with such personal characteristics as self-esteem, self-awareness, social values, which focuses on business, creativity, responsibility, social adaptability, self-regulation is confirmed. In order to determine the level of professional components developed criterion framework, aimed at identifying qualitative changes in the development of certain aspects and manifestations of mental activity of psychologists’, which ensures their self-life, values and system of values, orientation and awareness of the needs, motivations and interests, subjectivity of behavior, the ability to responsible, self-sufficient and adequate responsability in different situations.
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