society, politics, Ukrainian crises, populism, future, noosciences, noothinking.Abstract
The article considers the topic of eliminating populism, which is very relevant for social processes in modern Ukraine, and which is a serious obstacle to the positive development and realization of the eternal dreams of the Ukrainian people about a happy and safe life in a successful homeland. The initial period of departure of Ukrainian scholars from the Soviet stereotypes of society and economy and their study of the phenomenon of populism as an integral part of successful and less successful democracies has been sufficiently studied. The first dissertation researches are emphasized, the authors of which have summarized practically all data from the sector of works on populism. It is indicated that the weak point at this stage of the study of this phenomenon was the restriction of one or two humanities without the use of the latest information about Nature and Man. Another shortcoming was the claim that populism was the greatest evil in all 30 years of independence. It has been proven that there were many reasons for the impossibility of a crisis-free transition from the "empire of fear" of the USSR to legal democracy, freedom and free market competition. Among the conclusions, emphasis was placed on the fact that ideas and evidence are spreading from the territory of Ukraine that the further progress of mankind will be noodevelopment with the simultaneous treatment of the biosphere. Higher education should prepare young people to participate in the construction of the noosphere as a noosymbiosis of humanity and the environment.
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