pedagogical education; environmental education; Pedagogical constitution of Europe; code of new civilization; noosphere education; noospherogenesis; energy information potential of the individual; sanitation.Abstract
The article considers psychological and pedagogical means of forming one's own strategy of human development of the XXI century. in the transitional conditions of society, which is characterized by the recognition of life, human health, environmental benefits as priority universal values. Preservation of the latter is possible under the conditions of transition to a new, noosphere system of education and upbringing. Modern scientific approaches to worldview are characterized, according to which a person should be aware of his role on the planet, have an idea of the patterns and energy flows that operate in the body to consciously manage them to improve and prolong life. The moral principles and factors of ecological culture, which form the internal basis of ecological safety, noospherogenesis, and generally sustainable noosphere development, are determined. An algorithm for changing the old model of behavior to understand the new one, which includes personal integrity, decency, self-control, is proposed. Methods of system-structural modeling and eniological diagnostics of efficiency of human self-organization, use of subtle energies for own harmonious development, disclosure of spirituality in interpretation of the world, its challenges are applied. It is emphasized that the worldview reflects the degree of our adequacy to the surrounding reality, and today it is rapidly degrading and is an indicator of inadequate worldview, reduced moral and ethical potential, the disappearance of honor, conscience, responsibility, weakening the influence of education, science and culture. The expediency of transforming the system of upbringing, education, thinking of people, especially young people, to anticipate and predict the future has been experimentally proved; confirmed the role of environmental education, noosphere education for the conscious implementation of the provisions of the Code of New Civilization, the Pedagogical Constitution of Europe, which requires awareness of the ecology of the soul, the inner world of man, the spiritual sphere in general.
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