
  • Oksana KOVALENKO



higher education, university statutes, educational legislation, legal regulation, autonomy of the university, principles and tasks of universities.


The article analyzes the main provisions of university charters, determines their impact on the development of the idea of legislative regulation of higher education, substantiates the importance of the charters for the development of universities and higher education in general. The creation of the European university statute law has been initiated. Its role in the work of the university, the main tasks, rights and obligations of all participants in the educational process. It is found out that the charters of Ukrainian higher education institutions do not see the norms of the national legislation and do not cover all spheres of activity of the university, educational normative-legal maintenance demands completion of certain legal norms concerning the rights and obligations of all subjects of higher education institutions, property rights, student self-government, etc. As well as the correspondence of university charters to the norms of international law and quality standards of higher education. University charters contain norms and principles of European law, which has been formed over many centuries. An important principle of the Charter of the University of Europe is the academic independence, certainty of rights and obligations of all subjects involved in the work and activities of the university, the process of education of students and postgraduates is clearly defined, as well as the scientific work of the higher education institution. The charters of Ukrainian universities require improvement in order to meet the standards of modern legal framework, which defines the basic principles and principles of international and Ukrainian legislation. Ukrainian lawyers and legislators, when improving educational legislation, must take into account new trends and norms in the development of higher education, norms and standards of international law and, of course, the peculiarities of national historically constituted traditions. Consequently, the statutes of the Ukrainian higher education institutions must cover all areas of the university's activity, take into account its broadness and areas of development and comply with national and international law.


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