education reform, European integration in the area of education, Lisbon Declaration, Bologna Process.Abstract
The first steps of reforming education after the declaration of independence, provided by the State National Program "Education" ("Ukraine of the XXI century"), revealed the first contradictions, overcoming which required a new philosophy and methodology of reform. Their contours for the ten-year period of state-building processes, defined by the Decree of the President of Ukraine "On Urgent Measures to Ensure the Functioning and Development of Education in Ukraine" (2005), turned out to be quite contradictory. On the one hand, the ideas of integration of our state into the European educational space were actively implemented, and on the other hand, the reform processes that began in the first half of the first decade of the new century began to slow down. How could such contradictory tendencies be combined and what did it ultimately lead to in the context of the qualitative growth of Ukrainian education? The research which results are stated in this article is devoted to this problem.
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