higher education internationalization strategy, higher education quality assurance, National Agency for Quality Assurance, higher education quality assessment.Abstract
The article analyzes the regulatory framework for ensuring the quality of higher education at the national and European levels. The driving force behind the quality of higher education at the national level is the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education. The participation of the National Agency in international projects and membership in the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education testifies to the internationalization of Ukraine's quality assurance system. Involving international companies (employers) in accrediting educational programs helps to improve the quality of education and the competitiveness of Ukrainian specialists in the international labor market. Thus the main long-term task is the accession of the National Agency to the European Agency for Quality Assurance and its inclusion in the European Register of Quality Assurance Agencies for Higher Education. European leaders in the field of international education (UK, Germany, and France) consider improving the quality of teaching and learning, preparing students for life and work in a globalized world as the main motives for the internationalization of higher education. Regional / national policies are a key external factor influencing institutional internationalization policies. Expanding international (and especially outgoing) student mobility is one of the key areas in internationalization policy; together with the international mobility of students, priority is given to international research cooperation and international strategic partnerships in the internationalization of the European higher education institutions. These countries are implementing an internationalization strategy that includes student and staff mobility; internationalization of curriculum and digital learning; strategic cooperation, partnership and capacity development. International cooperation is focused on the global educational market. It has been found out that quality assurance agencies for higher education in European countries – leaders in the field of international education (Great Britain, Germany, France) conduct international accreditations and have international experts in their composition. Membership in international and regional networks for quality assurance promotes the development of a quality culture in higher education in the international dimension, the exchange of experience, best practices and the internationalization of quality assurance systems in higher education.
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