diversity of cultu res, uniqueness of Ukrainian cultu re, main featu res, origins and development of Ukrainian cultu re, gender equality, respect for Mother, prospects of Ukrainian Victory.Abstract
Each culture has its own specifics. Regardless of whether similar plots (symbols, norms, princi ples) are repeated in different cultures, peoples cannot be denied the uniqueness by which they entered and remain in history. The latter is implemented in categories – the most general, supporting, systemic concepts around which the content of a particular subject, phenomenon or process is concentrated and which allow us to penetrate into their essence, to identify them as a single systemic integrity. Categories of culture are often identified with its symbols or archetypes. And this is quite permissible, because both categories and symbols (archetypes) appear as a kind of nodal points of the content of the subject. The difference between them is only that, reflecting the same thing, the first of them (categories) are interpreted in a philosophical-rational (abstract-theoretical) way, and the second (symbols) in an artistically figurative way. The first ones are the subject of philosophical and worldview analysis, the second ones are mostly studied by the means of cultural studies, art and psychology. The author traces in detail the ancient origins of Ukrainian culture as the basis of modern humanistic views and a high civilization on the planet, which all Ukrainians, due to the fate of circumstances, are once again forced to protect from “fraternal” aggression aimed at the complete and final destruction of our people. But this time, as it happened many times in the prehistoric and historical past, the victory will be for the farmers, for the descendants of the Trypilians and Cossacks.
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