


environmental education, environmental competence of futu re architects, pedagogical conditions for the training of modern architects, significant personal qualities, sustainable, environmentally friendly development, restoration of Ukraine after the russian aggression.


The theory and practice of professional activity in the field of architectu re and the provision of its training in universities made it possible to identify the following featu res: multifacetedness and interdisci plinary natu re, the creative natu re of professional education, the need for propaedeutic training, focus on project activity, informatization and environmentalization of educational and professional functions. Modern scientific approaches to understanding the world are characterized, according to which a specialist must be knowledgeable in his professional role, have an idea of the laws operating in natu re and society. The moral princi ples and factors of ecological cultu re, which make up the internal basis of ecological secu rity, generally sustainable, environmentally friendly development, are defined. According to the results of the research, the pedagogical conditions that form the environmental competence, which forms the basis of the ecological cultu re of the specialist, have been determined. These include: development of professional competence as a prerequisite for environmental competence; pu rposeful design of the informational and ecological educational environment; fostering the need for professional self-improvement and self-development; involvement of futu re architects in environmental protection activities. The structu re of environmental competence proposed by us made it possible to identify and justify the criteria for its monitoring among students: motivational and valuable; cognitive-informational (volume, awareness, depth and strength of modern wide-ranging environmental knowledge); activity-responsible (developing the ability to creatively solve educational environmental tasks, having experience of partici pating in practical matters of preserving and improving the state of the environment); reflective and personal. “Ecological competence of futu re architects” is defined as an important component of professional competence, which contains a complex characteristic of a motivated specialist regarding the system of integrated ecological knowledge, skills and abilities, practical experience of environmentally safe and environmental protection activities, high personal qualities regarding the formation of ecological consciousness, thinking, ethics, cultu re, in general, the modern noospheric worldview. The conducted pedagogical experiment gave positive results in terms of increasing the environmental competence of futu re architects due to the introduction of developed pedagogical conditions and modernized and improved forms of professional training. For Ukraine, this process is important in connection with the restoration of significant territories, villages and cities affected by russian aggression.


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