inclusion, educational process, teaching technologies, methodological recommendations, inclusive legal support, models of inclusive education.Abstract
The article examines modern criteria for organizing the educational process in an inclusive classroom. The main approaches to personality formation and building education in an inclusive environment are analyzed. In particular, the emphasis is on the fact that each child is an individual and the task of teachers is to develop and deepen the knowledge of students. Featu res of inclusive educational technologies are primarily based on practical results and experiences of inclusion specialists. This is joint work and analysis of the results of the pedagogical activities of teachers, psychologists, special education specialists and other specialists with children with special needs. The topical issue of inclusive education is the use of creative technologies and the peculiarities of their application in the education of pupils (students) with special needs. The u rgent issue of modern inclusive education is the professionalism of pedagogical workers, their assimilation of advanced scientific and methodological developments of inclusion and the peculiarities of their application in practice.
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