


environmental ethics, natu re-based ethics, noospheric paradigm of education, noospherogenesis, sustainable development.


Ukraine's more than 16-month resistance to Russian aggression coincided with the celebration of the 300-year anniversary of the philosopher, poet, thinker, author of original ethical views Gryhoriy Savich Skovoroda. A characteristic featu re of his worldview was the ground of the real life of the contemporary Ukrainian reality. Skovoroda became a truly people's philosopher. In his works, he emphasized sociopolitical, state, pedagogical, ethical issues. Skovoroda's works are considered a scientific and literary work with a powerful synergistic effect, which is still waiting for diligent researchers. The objectives of the study are to substantiate the need for a noospheric scientific worldview of teachers and students and to determine the ways of its fu rther implementation in the conditions of digitization of the educational process and distance learning. The practical value of the work lies in the possibility of applying the results obtained by the authors regarding: modeling of environmental training of specialists in the domestic system of higher education; development of cu rricula, programs, educational and methodical manuals for spreading knowledge about the integrity of the world, environmental ethics, thinking, worldview, consciousness, cultu re in general; the need to build a natu re-harmonious, ecologically safe, harmonious, sustainable society. The development of the noospheric worldview contributes to the idea of globalization of education, the process of interaction of national education systems, universalization of standards, characteristics and parameters of the global education system.


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