




“racism”, “fascism”, war, hybrid war, military aggression, nuclear weapons, consolidation of humanity for victory.


The criminal natu re of the Russian authorities, which initiated and carries out military actions in Ukraine from 2014 to the present day, is analyzed. The author compares it with the “fascists” - the main criminals of the Second World War, who aimed to conquer Eu rope and the world, committed mu rders of innocent people, destroyed peaceful cities and villages, and looted the cultu ral heritage of the peoples whose territory they entered. “Racism” is the “fascism” of the era of globalization (information revolution, social tu rbulence), the availability of weapons of mass destruction. They have a lot in common. Violence, the violation of humanistic priorities, mass mu rders, the destruction of cities and villages, etc., are equally inherent in these malignant layers on the living body of human history. At the same time, “racism” differs from “fascism”, firstly, in the degree of malice, hatred and meanness with which their aggression is carried out; secondly, by the array of outright lies that they throw into the spiritual space of the nations at which this aggression is directed; thirdly, by “rattling” the weapons of mass destruction with which they threaten the world; fou rthly, the main goal of its vile invasion: if “fascism” planned the destruction of the state, the subjugation of this or that people, tu rning them into slavery, then “racism” aims at their complete destruction, removal from history and cultu re. Formed genetically, “racism” is a kind of mistletoe against the background of human civilization. As a universal evil, it has no right to exist in the human environment, it must be isolated from humanity, and eventually dispersed in historical space and time. Ukraine’s futu re victory over the “Racists” will be the most significant contribution of Ukrainians to the preservation of world civilization.


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