


readiness, scientific and teaching stuff, conditions of war, after the pandemic, prospects for optimizing the educational process


The article is devoted to determining the readiness of scientific and pedagogical personnel to work in an offline format in the conditions of war caused by Russian aggression against Ukraine. The authors formulated an understanding of key concepts and terms – readiness, offline learning, scientific and pedagogical workers and determined that “readiness of scientific and pedagogical staff for professional activity” in the context of the educational process can be interpreted as a stable psycho-physiological education aimed at fulfilling professional duties connections, tasks related to the provision of educational services to students of higher education. The authors present the monitoring of the readiness of the Scientific-Teaching Staff (STS) to perform professional functions in an offline format, identify the problems related to this readiness that are relevant for the STS with the aim of developing further optimization mechanisms in the organization of the educational process of higher education institutions of Ukraine. The key results of the monitoring were the conclusion that the percentage of STS who are ready to work in an offline format in conditions of war is quite high, 46,3%, however, the remaining 53.7% are hesitant, feeling that it is inappropriate to work in conditions of danger, which in turn indicates the need for the administration: conducting additional briefings, explaining safety in the educational institution, how it is ensured for students and students during air raids; consideration of options for building a flexible schedule for each STS, taking into account the policy of “freedom of choice”; development of technical and software tools for the formation of such individualized forms of construction of the educational process for the STS, based on the model of Western higher education institutions, etc. The highest percentage of unpreparedness of STS for the return of offline learning for students refers to psychological barriers that are completely natural in conditions of danger, and we see optimism in the free mastery of STS with various platforms and ICT resources to ensure a quality educational process in various formats of the educational process, which can form the basis for forming the readiness of the STS to transition to a hybrid format of the organization of the educational process in the near future. The authors also singled out such a list of aspects of the further development of the educational process in the conditions of war as: optimization of the educational process and further digitalization; optimization of the organization of the individualized work schedule of the NPP according to the analogue of the European higher education institutions; transition to hybrid and mixed forms of educational process organization; deployment of psychological support for both students and students through the development of a network of psychological centers or centers in Ukrainian higher education institutions, etc.


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