globalization, systemic crisis, university, academic community, manager, scientist, intropassivity, social group.Abstract
This study is aimed at revealing the specifics of the «systemic crisis» that has befallen the academic environment since the second half of the 20th century and continues to this day. The main emphasis is on the concept of «Homo Academicus», which is analyzed by the french sociologist Pierre Bourdieu in his work of the same name. In this investigation, we will rely on the research of the above-mentioned author. This will make it possible to dive more thoroughly into the analysis of the peculiarities of the academic environment of which we are a part. In particular, let’s turn to issues of hierarchical structure, cooperation of «managerial» and «scientific» components within the structure, prospects that a crisis can cause, etc. Therefore, in the research we will talk about the structure of the academic, or rather the university field, which always tries to maintain a balance both at the level of the institution and at the level of external structural fields (for example, the political field). Along with this, let’s turn to the issue of the crisis, which divided these fields and left a distance of fault lines. And also, let’s turn to the explanation of the positions they occupy in one or another field. Turning to Pierre Bourdieu, we will try to demonstrate that global transformations of social or political fields have a significant impact on changes in the academic field at the level of morphological signifiers.
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