science education, humanistic theories, behavioristic theories, cognitive theories, constructivist theories, essentialism, progressivism, critical pedagogics, STEM-education, novel pedagogics.Abstract
Within the framework of the classical and modern paradigm, the field of scientific education is formed by a number of cornernerstone clusters, each with its own various features. Accordingly, the article aims to provide background information on various groups and types of theories in the field of science education. In particular, the aim is to highlight: humanistic theories, within which emphasis is placed on the subjective experience of students, considering them as active, autonomous and reflective agents in the educational process; behavioral theories, which interpret knowledge as something that is transmitted without regard to the assimilative aspects of interpretation, internalization or contextualization and is considered as a purely external reactive phenomenon; cognitive theories, where the emphasis is on internal thought processes, the formation and direction of which is considered to be the main task of any educational process; constructivist theories, within the framework of which the teacher tries to activate previously accumulated, a priori baggage of knowledge and addresses students’ personal experience; At the same time, in addition to more classical approaches, the authors aim to consider a number of theories based on critical and systemic thinking skills, taking into account dynamic and grassroots knowledge systems, STEM education while exploring other (alternative) educational directions and complex of pedagogical skills for the 21st century, which do not fit into the above four traditional groups. We are deeply convinced that only such polyphonic awareness within the framework of various theories and models of learning will make teachers more effective, as it will create a basis for the formation and formulation of educational strategies in (scientific) education, which, in turn, will facilitate the application of theoretical material in practice. Since each theory, school or approach is based on a rather heterogeneous (at times, quite polar) complex of initial assumptions and can be effective in conceptualizing and implementing only a limited range of educational methods, success will be achieved by those educators who can fruitfully combine and use the widest possible range of effective educational concepts and approaches, constantly adapting, synthesizing and diversifying their own pedagogical portfolio.
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