communicative competence, communication, manager, socio-cultural activity, educational abilities, creative industries, cultural and leisure activities.Abstract
A number of basic parameters of the communicative competence of the manager of socio-cultural activities are analyzed and their components - knowledge, abilities, skills and personal qualities - are determined. The author investigates the relationship between educational components and forms of educational activities with the formation of communicative competence. Peculiarities in the preparation of a future specialist in the field of creative industries from the standpoint of the intercultural context are considered. It is noted that the content and forms of manifestation of communicative competence of managers contribute to the achievement of relations between the internal and external environment of corporate management, adequate to each other in modern conditions. The profession involves the ability to communicate with different people, to convince them of the priority and effectiveness of one's ideas, to defend one's professional position. One of the main criteria for the formation of a person's communicative competence is reflection, when a person is able to assess his position in accordance with the position and interests of his partner. Separate educational components are considered and analyzed for the subject of communicative competence, using the example of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, which trains specialists in the specialty 028 Management of socio-cultural activities under the educational program "Management of socio-cultural projects and creative industries". It is noted that in educational practice, interactive forms of student training are actively used: business and role-playing games, debates, scientific discussions, creative projects, seminars-dialogues, analysis of specific situations, special attention is directed to methods of working in small groups, round tables, presentations based on modern multimedia tools. Students, directly through theoretical and practical classes, form professionally important qualities of future specialists.
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