


socio-cultu ral interaction, efficiency of society, deterministic conditioning of human evolution, communicative exchange, civilizational approach, worldview, criterion consensus


It is correct to interpret the prospects for the evolution of humanity as a system object, and the implementation of such prospects in practice depends on many factors that are at the same time elements of this system. For the most part, researchers, with good reason, draw attention to a certain set of determinants that determine the specific historical progress of mankind according to the upward scenario. As a rule, these are factors that ensu re local evolution, and the totality of these local results forms global evolution – the evolution of humanity. However, global success is not always achieved at the expense of a mechanical set of local results. In addition, there is a universal determinant that determines the prospects for the evolution of humanity – this is socio-cultu ral interaction: it is able to ensu re the success of evolution on a global and transtemporal level.


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