


oratorical activity, orator, teacher, rhetorical knowledge, oratorical skills, oratorical style, oratorical habits, emotional intelligence, energy potential, public speaking


The article reveals the professional speaker portrait, identifying the key characteristics (properties) of a teacher's personality, which ensu re the effectiveness of oratorical activities, allow to achieve oratorical skills and become the sought-after lectu rer. Among them, are singled out rhetorical knowledge, oratorical skills, leadershi p position, oratorical habits, oratorical style, emotional intelligence, high energy potential, thinking design, a researcher's worldview, authenticity. Rhetorical knowledge and oratorical skills are essential for performing oratorical activities. The leadershi p position arranges students towards the speaker as someone worth following into the limitless knowledge world and opportunities. Speaking habits include the habit of preparing for a public speech, the habit of reflecting, the habit of reading, the habit of studying and the habit of being successful. Emotional intelligence and high energy potential contribute to emotional satiation and speech filling with energy-magnetic content. Thinking design and the researcher's worldview serve as a sou rce of creating new knowledge, original performances and innovative educational products. Authenticity reveals the validity of speaker, reveals the uniqueness of personality.


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