social reality, digitalization, psychodimensionality, inhuman dimension, the latest holistic approach, psychosyneretics, new philosophical categoryAbstract
The article examines the problem of the emergence of a new effect, which arises in the conditions of changes/transformations in social reality under the influence of too inhuman digitalization, which takes the form of human overstrain. This effect extends to almost all spheres of social reality and to human life as a whole. Because of this, digitalization has a negative impact on the valuable, human-dimensional and psycho-dimensional world of a person, including through subjective social experience. And if the threshold of the impact of digitalization is higher than the threshold of human psychiatry, then this becomes one of the problems of modernity. In order to find ways to solve this problem, we suggest using the latest holistic approach, which is presented in post-neclassicism and is related to psychosynergy. This approach is implemented in the form of a conceptual model "whole as a whole / whole-in-whole" (a new philosophical category). It makes it possible to create new conditions for researching this problem as a non-human dimension, as well as to explain the behavior of psychometric systems/environments, including social ones as a type of psychometric. Thus, this approach allows expanding the field of socio-philosophical research, introducing a new dimension of social reality ─ psycho-dimensionality.
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