arheometry, paleogenetics, nooanthropology, cannibalism, Neolithic, humanistic paradigm, agrarian wave, proto-Ukrainian archetype, West-genocide of farmers, aggressive paradigm, Great Trypillia, Indo-European culture, modern western aggression.Abstract
The author integrates new achievements of archeometry, paleogenetics and other sciences of the XXI century by the term "nooanthropology". The reasons for the European division into East and West are considered.. The facts about the temporal and territorial characteristics of the beginning of the transition from cannibalism to prahumanism are used. Undoubted evidence of this Neolithic progress in the range of 15-7 thousand years ago in Anatolia is given. The leaders of the changes were the genetic ancestors of Ukrainians and other European farm ers. They formed and strengthened the high moral archetype, which in the Eneolithic spread to most of Europe. The fact of genocide of these farmers by the ancestors of modern Europeans in the time interval 5.5-3.5 thousand years ago, which destroyed the humanistic paradigm in the West is given. It has survived only in the East in Trypillia and part of the Slavic world. The further history of the West is marked by outstanding anti-humanism to the present day, attempts to impose its worldview and values on Ukrainians and other custodians of the ancient archetype. Attempts do not stop even now, as the West imposes unacceptable principles of behavior on Ukraine, trying to slow down progress through economic and educational regulations and advice. The West has no right to teach, because it is not the West, but our ancestors carried out the first Indo-European spiritualization and started the New Noospiritualization-XXI.
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