educational process, distant lections, methodical materials, information-communication platforms, managers personal, stuffs, students, university.Abstract
This is represented an analyze of organization and improvement the science and educational events in conditions of quarantine and using of distant communications. Fundament for preparation of these materials was the everyday using of information and communication platforms such as Zoom, Classroom so on for all kinds of activity at universities – administrative, science and educational. There are talked some problems of preparation for this activity stuffs, students and managers of the university. Different levels of stuffs preparation for distant communications and supporting of educational presentations (texts, graphics, multimedia) have various influence to level of training of students and a quality of education in higher school at all. It was defined an exiting of influence between level of activity students and level of their knowledge. By our mind it is a time to discuss on some problems of infrastructure renewing at higher education institutions for realization of distant communications and for supporting in necessary stage of study buildings and laboratories when minimal presence of personal has place.
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