higher education, ecological education, English language education, ecological safety, sustainable, balanced development, noosphere paradigm of education.Abstract
The scientific and pedagogical experience of the Department of Ecology at NAU (National Aviation University) is summarized, which brought together specialists from different fields to find modern approaches in teaching environmental disciplines in higher education for sustainable, balanced, environmentally friendly development of society. The objectives of the study are to substantiate the needs of the noosphere scientific worldview of teachers and students and take into account the twenty years of experience of the team, identify ways to further improve it in terms of digitalization of the educational process and distance learning. The practical value of the study lies in the possibility of applying the results obtained by the authors on: long-term modeling of environmental training in the national system of higher education; wide application of teachers' experience in the conditions of modern challenges; development of curricula, programs, training and methodological manuals for the dissemination of knowledge about the integrity of the world, environmental ethics, thinking, worldview, consciousness, culture in general; the need to build a harmonious, environmentally safe, harmonious society. The relevance of environmental education in English is due to modern challenges, in the context of which the working language is seen as a common legal tool to address pressing environmental issues that have no administrative boundaries. The development of the noosphere worldview contributes to the idea of globalization of education, the process of interaction of national education systems, universalization of standards, characteristics and parameters of the global education system. This is a long and difficult path that requires the expansion of communications, including exchange programs for students, teachers and scholars, where the need for professional English is unquestionable. Our more than twenty years of experience in training environmental specialists in English demonstrates the importance of using primary sources in the original language to solve urgent environmental problems, and this is mostly English-language information.
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