modernization of education, language strategies, globalization, information revolution, multiculturalism, communication process.Abstract
One of the main needs of today's globalized world is the need for intensive communication. Satisfaction of this need, in turn, creates challenges to the language training of the subjects of the communication process. Fluency in one of the world's languages – English, German, French, etc. – is a necessary condition, beyond which the communication process is much more complicated. Communication with the help of a dictionary or translator has a number of shortcomings, the main of which is the adequacy / inadequacy of the interlocutor's understanding, comprehension of the substantive meaning of communication. Current language education faces the task of finding and implementing an adequate response to the challenges of a globalized world. The purpose of the article is to analyze the principles of modernization of language education in the context of world experience. It is concluded that the challenges of globalization – the intensification of international communication, intercultural scientific, educational and religious exchanges define a fundamentally new role of language education in the modern information world, aimed primarily at meeting the needs of the individual in rapid adaptation to a changing multicultural world as well as the realization of other needs of human life in a multicultural and multilingual community of people. It is noted that language education is an important tool that shapes the consciousness of the individual and his ability to be socially mobile in society, promotes dialogue between cultures in a globalizing world, around the solution of various problems. In the era of the information revolution, it must provide high communicative functionality of man. Language strategies should be aimed not only at mastering the basic types of speech activity, but also at forming intercultural competence of potential speech subjects, which only together can ensure the readiness of the majority of citizens to communicate in today's multilingual and multicultural world.
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