information revolution, universality of digital technologies, digital civilization, education of the 21st century, criticism of books, its fallibility.Abstract
The 21st century will go down in history as the century of electronic (digital, computer) technologies, which radically change the way of life of people and society, which significantly affects all spheres of life - production and thinking, activity and communication, the sphere of science and culture, people's worldview, their preparation for life and work, on the means of education and training. Their rapid development has reached a limit that allows us to assert that today none of the spheres, any type or direction of human activity can function, let alone develop, without the use of digital technologies, computerization. The formation of electronic civilization, the inevitability of the total computerization of life, sets the task of preparing a person for the fluent command of electronic computing equipment and technologies, the competencies of their application in practice. This is done mainly through education and training, which must change its contours, content, and educational technologies. Responding to the challenges of digital civilization, education should form a computerized environment, the development of which should be carried out from the first steps of the child in the educational process, systematically, with a gradual and consistent increase of the load from the zero mark to the peaks of the latest (electronic) cognitive process. Enthusiastic about the prospects of e-learning, some propose to throw out the so-called "outdated material" from the educational process, to eliminate "old means of learning", to unconditionally destroy everything that supposedly no longer meets the challenges of today. The book is now being subjected to special attacks by supporters of the "radical renewal" of education. "Removal" of the book from education is considered by some of them as the main principle and requirement of updating. I am convinced that such a proposal has nothing to do with the real renewal of the educational process. Destroying is easy, creating is difficult. Meanwhile, attacks on traditional learning tools, methods, and technologies not only continue, but seem to be intensifying.
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