helping profession, model of client request, client identity, consultant identity, helper, therapist, expert, skill trainer, teacher, coach, guru, methodology of helping professions, education of helping professionals.Abstract
The article analyzes the concepts of professional identity of specialists in the field of support, the process of asking and receiving help from clients in such professions as psychotherapy, coaching, mediation, facilitation, etc. The key questions that outline the philosophical issues of the functioning of helping professions and the role of the concept of identity in the context of providing support services are formulated. The model of the client's request is described, which is based on clear distinctions between the levels of needs and the corresponding processes and results in the client's interaction with the helper. Shows how the client request structure relates to the helper’s identity. The model demonstrates how the state of the client, his/her understanding of his/her own situation, how he/she articulates his/her problem and desired state, turning to the consultant in the spontaneous unfolding of his/her own identity, influences the process and result of providing assistance, and accordingly, the role played by the helper for satisfaction specified needs. Distinguishing and understanding a specific range of roles (therapist, skill trainer, coach, "guru") of workers in the field of care allows a professional in this field to see more clearly the limits of the application of these roles, to behave more flexibly and openly in relations with the client, to develop separate competencies in order to qualitatively satisfy the client's needs. Accordingly, the identity of the consultant, as a structure that uses and manifests these roles, receives support for self-acceptance on the basis of professional experience and receiving feedback from the client, for decision-making and the development of one's own professional identity. The described model of the client's request also has potential for application in the educational process, as it allows structuring professional skills for their observation, modeling, training and development during the training of professionals in the helping field.
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