


war-2022, the ancient past, the reign of myths, isotopic dating, gene sequencing, the historical and archaeological no-revolution of the 21st century, the myth of the


We set out to predict the future through the demands of daily life and the performance of professional duties in the time of war-2022. Overcoming the information noise from materials about the war, the COVID-2019 pandemic and the complex of threats to the existence of humanity, the main attention was paid to the activities of the scientific and educational complex, to its discoveries and breakthrough achievements. We have discovered many important facts and phenomena that collectively form a new vision of the future. The main purpose of the article is to warn about the harm from ignoring the ecologically ideal nootechnologies we have noticed and their nooscientific source. This has already slowed down progress in Homo's life and prevents the use of the achievements of noosciences (archaeometry, paleogenetics, nooanthropology, and others) in history and archeology. We provide evidence of the beginning of the mega-revolution in the field of humanitarian sciences and its constituent part — the deep historical and archaeological noorevolution of the 21st century. It consists in abandoning all mythologized ideas about the past and building a new description of the events of the Paleolithic and subsequent times based on accurate isotopic dating, genetic sequencing and other achievements of recent years. David Reich and other scientific leaders of the world point to the need to create a true picture of the evolution of Homo. Our work is aimed at analyzing the reasons for the appearance in the West in 2017-2020 of a stream of anti-Ukrainian articles about the so-called "yamnaya genocide". In fact, the disappearance of the genes of farmers discovered by D. Reich and other scientists was caused by the actions of the ancestors of modern Western Europeans, who relied on the aggressive archetype, not the "yamnayas". Today it is known as the "Atlantean Civilization". Its worldview flaws are visible in the actions of the leaders of the EU states and in the behavior of a large part of Europeans. We suggest disseminating facts about ancient events to inform the entire society about the ancient roots of enmity between the West and the East, which will accelerate the arrival of peace in Ukraine. Our higher school, in the modern search for a new model of the Ukrainian university, is obliged to become a world leader in innovation by taking into account the noorevolution in the field of humanities and other sciences.


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