



man, activity, consciousness, culture, matter, being, spirit, idea, history, science, education, upbringing.


"Extremes converge"… "Any absolute extreme is harmful" ... These philosophical truths become especially noticeable when considering the relationship of such opposite phenomena as "matter" and "spirit" in their meaning for society as a whole, the development of economic infrastructure, political systems, especially for education, culture and upbringing. For almost two hundred years, the peoples of the Russian Empire and the former USSR, as well as parts of the European people, lived according to the guidelines of Marxism, a philosophical and political doctrine constructed by Marx and Engels, whose ascending philosophical instruction was the primacy of "matter" and the secondary nature of "spirit”. In the understanding of history, it meant the "primacy of the material basis" and the secondary nature of the "superstructure", the need to develop first of all the material foundations of social existence, and then the spiritual life, the formation of man as a person. "Spirit" turned out to be subordinate to "matter", and thus - man as the crown and the top of the evolution of the living spiritual-material world appeared in the backyard of nature and history. The people who (under the guidelines of Marxism) carried out a revolution and began to build imaginary socialism, as a result received a vulgarly ideologized material and spiritual life, culture and education, a desecrated religion. The dominance of the priorities imposed by Marxism-Leninism led to serious deviations from the civilizational principles of human life, namely the formation of a totalitarian society and a one-dimensional personality. Then the agenda of public life was determined by stagnation, decline, the finale of which was the collapse of the Soviet Union.


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