aging, old age, third age, educational gerontology, geragogic, educational program, institute of education of elderly people.Abstract
Geragogy (educational gerontology) is substantiated as a scientific field and educational practice in the context of demographic aging and rethinking approaches to the post-retirement life phase. The idea of education of the elderly is interpreted based on the concept of active and positive longevity, lifelong learning, adult learning, according to which activity and personal growth are characteristic of the aging process. The importance of educational (geragogic) programs for personal, intellectual and professional development of older adults, optimisation of the processes of their social integration is revealed in view of the target group, purpose, forms and methods of educational activities. The possibility of expanding the functions of higher education institutions to ensure the social and educational activities of older adults is proved. The institutional model of education of the elderly is substantiated and been presented the draft of Regulation on the Institute of Education of the third age people with regulation of legal, economic and administrative principles of its functioning at the level of non-formal education, adapted to legislation, organisation and implementation of educational activities in higher education institutions of Ukraine. Been detected possibilities of involvement of the elderly in the academic environment of the institution of higher education, revealed educational programs (general cultural and professional orientation) for this age and social group. Was prospected development of gerogogy as an educational theory and practice.
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