
  • Наnna AFUZOVA




the right to receive quality education, students with disabilities, higher education, public policy, higher education, factors of influence.


The problem of ensuring the right of persons with disabilities to receive quality education in Ukraine is considered on the basis of a critical analysis of the world experience of implementing the values of diversity and inclusion in higher education. Factors influencing the quality of higher education of entrants with disabilities are identified: political stability and socio-economic level of the state; state policy on social and educational diversity and inclusion, etc .; the impact of legal and moral norms, cultural and national traditions on the readiness of society for constructive interaction in an inclusive social environment, as well as the policy of higher education institutions to provide quality educational services to students with disabilities; readiness of all participants of the educational process at the university for constructive interaction in an inclusive educational environment. Consideration of the problem of improving the higher education system in Ukraine through the prism of bioecological perspective provides an opportunity to understand and explore the inclusion of students with disabilities in the academic environment in the context of systems development (eg higher education) and opportunities and development of individual units (students with disabilities, other students, teachers) in these systems.


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