




person, education, management staff, culture, upbringing.


The status and role of the head of an educational institution and the industry in general in Ukraine during its independent development are analyzed. The contradictions of formation and development of a new generation of leaders in education are indicated. The author of the article emphasizes the need to update the management of education in accordance with the challenges of the time and current legislation. It indicates the characteristics that a head of an educational institution must have: deep knowledge and competence, professionalism and patriotism, European axiology and tolerance, high responsibility and personal dignity, a sense of the new and the ability to take reasonable risks, courage in decision-making and a number of other virtues. The leader in the education system must organically combine the traditional with a sense of the new, the national with the universal. It is emphasized that leaders are not born, they become in the process of constructive practice. The author argues that leaders need to be taught, trained, educated. This function is entrusted to universities in close cooperation with the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine and regional Institutes of Advanced Training of Educational Managers. Management training should be systematic, focused. It is necessary to form, bring up, merge not this or that quality of the head, and the person as organic integrity with a full set of all necessary virtues of the organizer and the manager.


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