
  • Kateryna ASTAKHOVA



Educational risks, education of knowledge, education of understanding, student body risks, personnel risks, financial risks, quality loss risk, educational areas, uncertainty.


The article deals with some of the key risks that education is currently exposed to, namely: financial, personnel, contingent risk, and the risk of losing its quality. The author makes an attempt to show the way new innovative educational structures, and Kharkiv University of Humanities "People's Ukrainian Academy" among them, are trying to mitigate these risks in the situation of growing uncertainty. Particular attention is paid to substantiating the following conclusion: it is necessary to take into account not only the characteristics of individual education systems, but also those of specific universities, as the latter differ significantly from each other nowadays and, accordingly, build their movement patterns in different ways. The issues of building the entrant environment are set out in detail, as it is becoming extremely urgent in the current situation, when we are facing an increase in the student body risks. The materials of the International Research to Practice Conference titled "Entrant environment of the glocalization period: creation methods and development trends" (February 2021) are used. The conference was almost the first time in domestic practice when issues of this kind were considered, and it draw the attention of experts and the scientific community to the problem of the entrant environment.


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