sustainable development, education, COVID-19, Davos-2021, Industry 4.0, great reset, nootechnologies, noohumanism.Abstract
From the standpoint of philosophy and synergetic worldview, the authors consider the features of the most authoritative assessments of the world today and proposals for overcoming unexpected crises and challenges. The annual World Economic Forums in Davos, which are recognized as a world center of economic, political, social and managerial thought, have been select ed for critical analysis. The article contains an analysis of the plans created for the Davos-2021 meeting. In his book, the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, explains the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and suggests a "complete reset". It hides the interests of the West and accelerates the construction of Industry 4.0, which is not focused on avoiding environmental collapse. The authors point out the absence of the topic of eliminating environmental threats in modern discussions, disregard for noohumanism as a kind of embodiment of sustainable development and ignoring the possibility of overcoming crises not only through mutual understanding and trust, but by replacing industrial production with environmentally balanced nootechnologies. The place of Ukrainian higher education institutions in modern rankings, which take into account the goals of sustainable development as a noohumanist direction of higher education, is shown.
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