teacher, personality, existentially-physical charisma, existentiallypersonal charisma, existentially-communicative charisma, metaanthropology, everyday dimension of human existence, ultimate dimension of human existence, transcendental dimension of human existence.Abstract
The article analyzes the specificity of a teacher’s charisma phenomenon, which includes both personal and existential dimensions. The methodology of N. Khamitov metaanthropology, the doctrine of everyday, ultimate and transcendental dimensions of human existence, is used. For understanding the aspects of personal dialogue between teacher and student we use the approach of M. Buber, which successfully analyzes the specifics of the communicative system “I-You”, which leads to mutual understanding and constructive co-creation, as well as “I-It” as a communicative system of objectification of the Other person according to lack of personal dialogue. The author’s concept of the teacher’s charisma is proposed, within the existentially-physical, existentiallypersonal and existentially-communicative charisma of a teacher, manifested in process of communication with students are realized.
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