artificial intelligence, educational process, educational technologies, personalized learning, adaptive learningAbstract
The work examines the influence of artificial intelligence technologies on modern education. The concept of artificial intelligence is presented and the role of this technology in modern society is noted. The evolution of the use of artificial intelligence in education is considered, starting from the stage of creating assistant programs and ending with modern generative language models. The main areas of application of artificial intelligence in the modern educational process are highlighted. The author refers to them the areas related to the implementation of the concept of personalized learning, the generation of educational content, intellectual assistants, the automation of performance evaluation procedu res within the framework of performance control, automated proctoring systems. The peculiarities of the use of artificial intelligence in each of these areas are analyzed, their advantages and disadvantages are noted. A number of general problems related to the introduction of artificial intelligence into the educational process are highlighted, some recommendations for their solution are offered.
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