officer, officer psychology, moral and psychological readiness, praxeology, requirements for officer readiness, two-factor model of mental health (DFM)Abstract
The article examines the process of forming the moral and psychological readiness of officers to perform combat missions on the basis of a praxeological approach. It is emphasized the importance of comprehensive training of officers which includes both psychological and physical aspects with an emphasis on their interconnection in ensuring a high level of combat effectiveness. Particular attention is paid to the application of the dual-factor mental health model (DFM), which takes into account both positive (subjective well-being, life satisfaction, motivation) and negative aspects of mental health (depression, anxiety). This model allows for a comprehensive assessment of the psychological state of an officer, taking into account not only the absence of psychopathological symptoms, but also his or her ability to psychological stability, effective stress management and maintaining a high level of motivation while performing combat missions. It is emphasized that the praxeological approach underlying the study focuses on the effectiveness of officers’ actions in combat conditions, emphasizing their ability to make rational decisions, quickly adapt to changing circumstances and coordinate the work of subordinates in difficult situations. The importance of physical training and its impact on the overall combat readiness of officers in the performance of a combat mission is considered. It is emphasized that the combination of physical and psychological training based on the praxeological approach provides officers not only with stress resistance but also with high efficiency in combat conditions. A general profile of the moral and psychological readiness of officers in the performance of a combat mission is formed on the basis of a praxeological approach with an emphasis on the DFM model. The use of the DFM model helps to better understand the psychological state of officers and their ability to perform combat missions, taking into account both their ability to cope with negative emotions and their motivation to achieve goals. It is established that the need for comprehensive training of officers is the main component in the performance of assigned tasks, which combines physical endurance, moral and psychological stability and effectiveness of actions, which contributes to the combat capability of units and the successful performance of service and combat tasks in extreme conditions.
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