pedagogical culture, inclusive culture, inclusive society, specialist in the field of special and inclusive education.Abstract
The issue of forming an inclusive culture of specialists in the field of special education has been raised. The goal of the research has been outlined, and consists in elucidating the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of the specified culture, substantiating the modern trends in the formation of the pedagogical culture of specialists in the conditions of inclusive education, and providing methodological recommendations for its formation. Ways of introducing the newest paradigm of training specialists of the specified category into the national society as a component of the system of social security, responsibility and social cohesion of Ukraine in the conditions of modern integration challenges and strengthening of social cohesion in general have been indicated. The theoretical and practical essence of the latest trends of professional training in higher educational institutions in the conditions of inclusion is revealed. Current issues of the role of inclusion in society, strategies and trends of modernization of professional training, namely the inclusive culture, have been raised. The ways and prospects of modernization of the formation of an inclusive culture of specialists in the field of special education in the conditions of inclusion are clarified. So, the present state of the formation of components an inclusive culture according to the functional components system of the specified process is identified. An analytical review of the study of the formation of an inclusive culture of specialists in the field of special education has been given. The multi-vector model of training specialists in the field of special and inclusive education, including post-graduate education, has been highlighted, which allows to reveal creative potential and influence the comprehensive development of general, professional and psychological-pedagogical abilities. So, the prospects for the modernization of professional training in the conditions of modern society have been outlined, paying sufficient attention to the formation of an inclusive culture of specialists in the field of special education.
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