


creativity, creativeness, psychosynergetics, concept «brain-psyche-(mind / consiousness...)», self-organization.


The article analyzes the problem of creativity from the point of view of psychosynergetics, in which the psyche of the person is considered in unity of its natural integrity, expressed by concept «brain-psyche-(mind / consiousness...)». A peculiarity of this concept is the representation of the brain and psyche and its constituents as nonlinear identities, synergistic objects interacting as complex open systems/environments. On the basis of the synergistic characteristics of the concept (its non-linearity, chaotization, self-organization, etc.), it is concluded that the selforganizing mechanism of creativity is an active mental activity of the individual, contributing to its self-development and self-realization. The process of creativity manifests the integrity of the individual, non-linearly and dynamically activates the different levels of her mental system/ environment. Therefore, the creative process is fully ensured by self-organizing processes that take place in the internal mental environment of the personality. The articles distinguish between creativity and creativiness on the basis of linguistic and philosophical analysis showing the different meanings and senses of these concepts. It also discusses the basic concepts of creativity and creativiness that exist in modern psychology, and draws the conclusion that creativity and creativiness differ from one level to another: creativity is an ontological novelty, i.e. as new as before. Creativiness is understood as the ability to create new things at the level of combinations of existing structures, materials, elements, etc. The pedagogical aspect of creativity is that it can be formed and developed in the process of education and learning, which, however, requires special conditions and an individual approach. The study of creativity on the basis of psychosynergistic approach, i.e. on the basis of the concept «brain-psyche-(mind / consiousness...)», has certain advantages, since it shows the nature of creativity, which is based on the self-organization of the individual as a complex non-linear dynamic system. Thus, it is possible to speak about a new aspect of the study of creativity «psycho-dimensionality of creativity», which is necessary for the development of a person taking into account its integrity and complexity at the level of brain-psyche-consciousness. For the modern education system, perceptions of this complexity are very important, as they relate to the new environment for studentteacher relations, the new teaching principles, the new approach to adaptation and the environment of the mind.


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